Many workers feel comfortable working under contract. These agreements can often help everyone involved understand their roles, benefits, disciplinary actions and other important information. However, these agreements may expire or parties may attempt to change the terms, and in some cases, employment contract disputes may come about.
Texas readers may be interested in a conflict between AT&T and some of its workers in other states. Apparently, both sides are attempting to come to new contract terms but have so far been unsuccessful in coming to an agreement. As a result, more than 14,000 employees have gone on strike in five states to further display their displeasure with the current arrangements. The workers affected by the situation work in the installation and repair aspect of the company’s services.
The company has directly emailed the workers what it has deemed the final offer for contract terms. This action made the employees uncomfortable as they feel that the company should be contacting their union representatives rather than the workers themselves. The company stated that they feel the terms offer generous benefits and compensation. It is unclear what actions may be taken now that the workers have gone on strike.
Employment contract disputes are not always easily solved. However, negotiations between the parties involved can typically allow for a new contract with acceptable terms to be put into action. If legal steps are necessary in order to make sure that the employee’s rights are upheld, Texas workers in similar situations may want to speak with knowledgeable legal professionals about their options.