The majority of employees in the United States are at-will employees. As a business owner, if you hire employees under at-will employment laws, you need to know that they can quit whenever they want. They don’t have to give you two weeks' notice. They don’t even have...
Employment contracts: Important terms to include
An employment contract serves as a roadmap, outlining the rights and obligations of each party. It minimizes ambiguities and sets the stage for a harmonious work environment. While every employment contract is different and should be tailored to the unique aspects of...
Employers can lower their risk for wrongful termination suits
Businesses enjoy many benefits through Texas’s use of employment at will policy. This means that (absent of an agreement or statute that outlines terms and conditions of the employment), either the employer or the employee can legally terminate the business...
Employment contract disputes lead hotel workers to strike
Contracts are useful documents in the business world. Business owners can create agreements between vendors, shareholders, partners, employees, and many other individuals or entities. While these documents can provide a layer of protection, it is not unusual for...
Contract disputes over noncompete agreements not unusual
It is common for employers to want to protect their businesses in various ways. For some, utilizing noncompete agreements is one way to work toward that protection. However, these agreements are not foolproof, and contract disputes could arise if an employee does...
Employment contract disputes can delay new terms
Contracts are often useful employment documents that can be beneficial to both employers and employees. However, contract terms often have expiration dates, and when they expire, new terms are often needed. In some cases, those terms may be reached easily, but in...
AT&T workers in middle of employment contract disputes
Many workers feel comfortable working under contract. These agreements can often help everyone involved understand their roles, benefits, disciplinary actions and other important information. However, these agreements may expire or parties may attempt to change the...
Failure to comply could lead to contract disputes
When individuals have business interests they want to protect, they may want to prevent their employees or former employees from potentially putting the company at risk. In some cases, Texas business owners choose to utilize noncompete agreements and other employment...
Unfair terms could lead to employment contract disputes
When a person obtains a new job, signing a contract may seem like a good idea. The agreement can help individuals on both sides of the arrangement understand expectations in regard to the services provided. However, when terms prove to be too strict or outlandish, or...