Comprehensive And Skilled Assistance With Real Estate Issues
“The only source of knowledge is experience.” — Albert Einstein
At Kaplan & Cruz, PLLC, our real estate litigation attorneys possess the experience necessary to manage a variety of real estate issues, including those involving purchase and acquisition, commercial leasing, and real estate contracts.
We have broad experience in various forms of finance, including acquisition loans, land development loans, interim and permanent loans, construction loans, and letters of credit (LOCs).
Real Estate Lawyers With Distinguished Qualifications In Business Law
Our lawyers know business, commerce, and real estate law. Attorney Charles Kaplan has owned and operated manufacturing enterprises. Our real estate lawyers are prepared to assist in the acquisition, disposition, financing, development, leasing and operation of all types of property, including office buildings, residential developments, mixed-use developments, apartment complexes, hotels, restaurants and more.
The scope of our real estate law practice includes:
- Real estate litigation: We have experience resolving all types of real estate disputes, including boundary line and easement disputes, foreclosures and bankruptcies, contract disputes, and property tax and condemnation matters.
- Commercial real estate agreements: We represent buyers, sellers, lenders and other parties in all aspects of commercial real estate agreements.
- Purchase and sale agreements: If you are buying or selling real estate in Texas, we can protect your interests.
- Commercial and retail leasing: We represent commercial landlords and tenants in commercial and retail leasing matters.
Contact Our Attorneys
If you are seeking real estate law guidance in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, our lawyers are here for you. Contact us online or by telephone at Kaplan & Cruz, PLLC for a consultation regarding condominium and duplex development, marketing, sales, appraisals, inspections, leasing, conversions from rental to purchased properties and other real estate law matters.