Trust Our Experience. Protect Your Position. 

Looking Out For Landlords And Tenants Of Commercial Real Estate

At Kaplan & Cruz, PLLC, we represent owners and renters of commercial property throughout Texas. Our lawyers have extensive experience representing landlords and tenants in leasing matters related to office buildings, retail stores, shopping malls, strip malls and other commercial property. We will work with you personally to help you achieve your commercial real estate goals.

Establishing Lease Documents In Texas

An important aspect of commercial and retail leasing is establishing leasing documents. If you are a commercial landlord, we can help you draft lease documents that protect your interests. We provide skilled representation to landlords and tenants in reviewing, negotiating and litigating commercial lease documents in the state of Texas.

As experienced real estate lawyers, we are prepared to address issues such as subordination, non-disturbance, expansion, renovation and more. We know how to draft leasing documents that stand up to scrutiny. By establishing commercial lease documents with care today, we spare our clients unnecessary disputes and other future liabilities.

Representing Commercial Landlords And Tenants Throughout Texas

If you are seeking to lease commercial real estate in Texas, our attorneys are here to guide you through all of the necessary legal details, providing you with experienced guidance and advocacy throughout the process. Contact us online or by telephone at local 214-473-5774  or toll free 877-779-6001 for a consultation with a knowledgeable commercial leasing lawyer in Dallas.