It probably goes without saying that the health crisis we have witnessed for the past few months is an unprecedented challenge with which businesses need to cope and eventually overcome. With commercial activities slowing down, in Texas and across the world, many...
Behind on your commercial property loan? Consider a loan workout.
If you’re using what should be your operating capital to pay down a commercial real estate loan, you may be concerned that you are facing foreclosure or even bankruptcy. But there are ways to resolve a commercial property loan outside of foreclosure or bankruptcy....
Commercial landlords and tenants may revisit their contract
Few would argue this is the best of times for many commercial property owners and their tenants. Some Texas tenants unable to pay on time might suddenly get locked out of their shop. But then again, many tenants with a strong online presence are starting to wonder why...
Information to provide in a commercial lease
When a business owner looks to rent space from you, it is an important business transaction for both of you. The lease you design should be fair for everyone. It is important that you do not make the lease too restrictive or make too many demands in the lease that...
Property lines: how do I find them?
Property lines ensure that your real estate properties are protected. Typically, property lines are marked. This allows homeowners to make improvements to their property. Knowing where your property ends can save you a headache later. When building a fence or another...
Commercial landlord utilizes litigation to seek money
Commercial property owners have a substantial number of tasks to handle. If the owners manage the property and act as landlords, they may find themselves facing disputes with their tenants from time to time. While some issues may be easily resolved, others may require...
Zoning issues could lead to real estate disputes
Owning or renting commercial property can help businesses operate in their desired locations. Of course, a perfect location could come with issues, especially if residents nearby have complaints. Unfortunately, serious complaints could result in real estate disputes...
Commercial litigation results due to lease termination fees
Businesses often enter into contracts in order to lease commercial property to carry out their operations. When issues come about with the lease or with the landlord, those issues could end up having negative effects on the business. Most often, monetary damages...
Lease dispute, deceitful actions lead to commercial litigation
When individuals enter into a business agreement, it is important to have contracts so that everyone understands the arrangement. However, even with leases in place, commercial litigation can still take place if the business manager and landlord face disagreements....
Lease agreements could help avoid commercial litigation
When a Texas resident has commercial property, renting or leasing that property to a prospective business can often prove lucrative. However, when entering into any type of business arrangement involving property, the possibility for real estate disputes exists. As a...